Stormwater Pollution
AquAeTer conducts Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Evaluations for two inorganic chemical manufacturing plants on an annual basis. Each year, the plants are visited to determine if the SWPPP has been implemented to evaluate stormwater controls. Findings and recommendations are presented to the facilities annually to improve the program and maintain compliance.
Recommendations have included: regrade areas along fence line to prevent runoff and erosion, investigation of spill pathways along rail spurs, procedures to inspect lay down areas, moving hose connections to inside containment, and containing contractor drums. Over the years the format of the findings has evolved into a prioritized action item list by low, medium and high priority tasks. The tasks are organized by operational areas within the plant to facilitate implementation. The recommendations are linked to the Best Management Practices (BMPs) described in the SWPPP.
AquAeTer provided the following services to its client for this sampling and reporting project:
- Annual Site Visit
- Evaluation of Stormwater Controls
- Report of prioritized findings and recommendations