
When you are faced with remediating a site, it’s important to have an experienced remediation expert who can help you through the entire process while minimizing the short and long-term costs.

Every stage is critical, from determining if there really is a problem to completion certification. We understand the importance of time and loss avoidance and our track record shows that we continually satisfy clients’ expectations and achieve regulatory and community acceptance. There are many remedial options to consider, and our experts help recommend the appropriate technology for the site and ultimately achieve regulatory and community acceptance. Our work has been accepted by the USEPA and other state agencies as meeting or exceeding the stringent quality assurance/quality control objectives required for remediation projects.

Case Studies
Acidic Groundwater
Acidic Groundwater
AquAeTer performed a feasibility study to evaluate options for neutralization of acidic groundwater at a former manufacturing site. Our study included evaluation of a traditional limestone barrier wall and our proposal of an innovative liquid alkaline injection system. This study resulted in AquAeTer recommending a sodium bicarbonate injection, which was subsequently approved by the state. […]
Aerobic Treatment
Aerobic Treatment
AquAeTer was retained by this client to design, implement, and monitor an in-situ aerobic treatment, bio-stimulation technique, for the bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The client’s site is a remote, unconfined, shallow groundwater location. A passive, gravity-fed inoculation system was designed to continuously apply AquAeTer’s patented bio-stimulant though a series of injection wells. Additional […]
Brownfield Redevelopment
Brownfield Redevelopment
AquAeTer submitted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the redevelopment of a commercial building located in North Carolina. The site was a Brownfield site which was formerly used as a gas station. The Phase I ESA identified the possibility of unknown underground storage tanks (USTs) on the subject property. A Ground Penetrating Radar […]
Chlorinated Solvents
Chlorinated Solvents
AquAeTer was retained by its client to implement a bench-scale, field-scale pilot study and eventually a full-scale treatment system for chlorinated solvents at the site area. An in-situ aerobic bioremediation approach was selected after bench-scale results from tests of both aerobic and anaerobic bioremediation methods demonstrated an inoculant mixture of an oxygen and carbon source. […]
PCB Response
PCB Response
AquAeTer was called to an emergency response when Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) contamination was found during source investigation activities at a manufacturing facility in Ohio. AquAeTer’s preliminary investigation showed that the groundwater varied between 10 to 25 feet below ground surface at the interface between the bedrock and the overlying glacial till, with a potential flow […]

Remediation Services

  • Environmental Media Sampling
  • Evaluation and Selection of Remedial Measures
  • Facility Remediation Closure or Reuse
  • In-situ Biostimulation
  • Land Treatment
  • RCRA, SWA, CERCLA, and TSCA Sites
  • Remedial Design & Implementation
  • Risk Assessment & Site Investigations
  • State Voluntary Clean-up Programs
  • Vadose Zone Soil-Vapor Extraction