Use Attainability
AquAeTer performed a use attainability analysis for Coffee Creek and Mossy Lake. AquAeTer has conducted Total Maximum Daily Load studies including CBODu, nutrient analyses, total chlorophyll analyses, and monthly 7-day 10-year (Q7-10) low flow analyses.
Additionally, AquAeTer has conducted biological inventories and regular water quality data collections on the Ouachita and tributaries in support of the facility’s NPDES Permit. AquAeTer worked with ADEQ, LDEQ, and USEPA Region 6 in performing a Use Attainability Analysis for dissolved oxygen for setting alternative DO standards on the Ouachita River from Felsenthal Lock and Dam in Arkansas to Columbia Lock and Dam in Louisiana, a total distance of about 150 mi. The Total Maximum Daily Load was used to establish monthly permit limits for CBOD5. No nutrient limits had to be included in the permit due to the nutrient deficiency in the stream. It was determined that nutrients discharged by the pulp and paper mill and City of Crossett actually improved DO in the Ouachita River due to the DO supplied by the algae population that were dependent on the nutrients for their growth and production of oxygen. Due to naturally occurring low DO in the river flow during flood stage, alternative DO limits were established for the River during May through August.
The monthly wasteload allocations were approved by ADEQ, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) and USEPA, Region 6. The wasteload allocation included the Publicly Owned Treatment Works that discharge through the Mill’s outfall.
AquAeTer provided the following services to its client for this sampling and reporting project:
- Water quality measurements for temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity using global position system (GPS)
- Collection of macrobenthos and fisheries for NPDES Permit requirements
- Completed a Total Maximum Daily Load analysis for the Mill
- Successfully Completed a UAA for the Ouachita River between Felsenthal Lock and Dam in Arkansas and Columbia Lock and Dam in Louisiana (~150 miles of River)
- Identified non-point source loadings affecting water quality