Oil and Gas Environmental Convention Dec 3/4, 2019

Find our expert Andy Nunnery (who dressed up conveniently as Waldo for Halloween, we promise not to send him in stripes) at the Oil and Gas Environmental Convention in the beautiful city of Dallas, Texas. The convention takes place on the 3rd and 4th of December, 2019 at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel.
Dr. Nunnery is in charge of all operations of the Technical staff in the Brentwood office. He oversees technical quality, budgets, and personnel resources. Dr. Nunnery provides professional and technical support for environmental assessment and remediation projects and the development of site specific strategies for meeting regulatory environmental goals. He routinely performs Phase I environmental site assessments (ESAs) and plans and implements subsurface investigation activities for Phase II ESAs and conceptual site modeling. He has managed remediation of upstream oil and gas facilities, ranging from non-operational rural sites to active gas plants, and has completed remediation projects requiring the removal of leaking underground storage tanks (USTs).
Dr. Nunnery has experience conducting aquifer tests (pump and slug tests), contaminant fate and transport evaluations, and hydrologic modeling/visualization. He has conducted independent analysis of light and dense nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL and DNAPL) plumes at oil and gas and wood treating facilities throughout the U.S. He assisted in the planning and execution of a natural source zone depletion (NSZD) study to evaluate emerging techniques for the assessment of LNAPL plume attenuation. Results from this study were used to negotiate a closure strategy with the regulatory agency. His experience includes facilities listed as CERCLA and RCRA projects, as well as facilities enrolled in voluntary cleanup programs (VCPs) in Texas and Oklahoma, and he has assisted in negotiations with state agencies regarding case status and cleanup strategies.
If you would like to meet with Dr. Nunnery during his visit, please contact him directly at ANunnery@aquaeter.com or 615-373-8532.
See you there!