Publication of Life Cycle Assessments

AquAeTer is pleased to announce that, on Jan. 3rd, the Journal of Cleaner Production electronically published the article “Life Cycle Assessment of ACQ-Treated Lumber with Comparison to Wood Plastic Composite Decking” by Christopher A. Bolin and Stephen T. Smith, P.E. You may purchase the online version by clicking here or contact AquAeTer for print copies when they become available. We thank all involved in the production and publication of this LCA.

On Jan. 5th, the Journal of Cleaner Production electronically published the article “Life Cycle Assessment of Borate-Treated Lumber with Comparison to Galvanized Steel Framing” by Christopher A. Bolin and Stephen T. Smith, P.E. which can be found online here.

On April 8th, the journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews published online the article “Life cycle assessment of pentachlorophenol-treated wooden utility poles with comparisons to steel and concrete utility poles” ( ). The online publication may now be cited and referenced.

Congratulations to our project team on the first three publications in this series of LCAs.